What People Say
Went to this in Exeter a few years ago and have since used student-generated induction a lot. It's a fantastic approach! Highly recommend!
[Senior Teaching Fellow]
"I took so much away from it and it was one of the best higher education workshops/conferences I've attended!"
[[Student Experience Officer]
The first sign of hope for higher education.
I was genuinely impressed with a) the range of different practices around induction that were discussed and b) the usefulness of some of the ideas that came out of those discussions. Backed with some of the conceptual issues outlined in between discussion segments and I thought the whole thing worked rather well.
[Assistant Professor]
A fantastic feel-good experience.
A new way of addressing induction with an informed and researched pedagogy to underpin the discussion.
[University academic]
I thoroughly enjoyed the workshop and found it both informative and helpful.
[Student Transition & Orientation Manager]
Something that was theoretically interesting, with rigorous research and literature to back it up.
[Student Success Officer]
It made me think about some of the very basic assumptions we make.
[Learning-support tutor]
It was an interesting take on how to approach induction differently. Made you really look at what you do (or don’t do!)
[University librarian]
I thought the training was fantastic. The programme contained the right amount of practical group work and references to the theory underpinning it. I know, from my own work, that this balance is not always easy to achieve.
[Outreach Programme Manager]
I think its given me a lot to talk about with my team and others and brought a new perspective of how we might do things in the future.
[Workshop participant]
I have taken away confidence to make significant changes to the way in which we deliver library induction sessions.
[University librarian]
I really enjoyed the day and found it extremely enlightening.
[Workshop participant]
Discussing real difficulties and working on solutions with people in similar roles. Fantastic opportunity to share best practice and thrash out problems.
[Workshop participant]
A master-class in group learning.
[University professor]
I was thinking all the time; 'this is the way to do it.'
[Academic support tutor]